Monday, June 23, 2008

A Drawer Full of Journals

And this is why I have never kept a successful journal. Having been more than two weeks since my last post, I actually forgot my blog password. Which I guess would make me more of a candidate for a paper journal, but my point is that I fall off the journal wagon very easily. Two busy workweeks and I'm lying on the side of the road while the blog wagon scurries ahead. So today is a blog of guilt.

I went to Nashville last week...spent some time on the beautiful Belmont University campus. I didn't get to see much of the actual city, but the whole area, including Belmont, is all about music. It reminded me of the book "Eat, Love, Pray" which my book group recently read. She talks about how every city (or location, I suppose) has a word, and if you don't live that word, you will never fit in. She and a friend came up with this while in Rome, and apparently, Rome's word is 'sex.' That's odd because when I was there, I would have sworn its word was 'church,' but that's another blog entirely. Anyway, if Nashville has a word, it is definitely 'music.' I heard a relatively new group in concert, and while I wouldn't call myself a country or bluegrass fan, somehow it worked for me. They're the SteelDrivers. I'm having trouble with the Web site:, but they're on iTunes and they're going to be on the Conan O'Brien show in mid-July. "Drinking Dark Whiskey" and "East Kentucky Home" are my front-runner songs right now.

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